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5月30日“琼台讲坛”:《Idioms and Hidden Messages of the English Language》(外国语学院)

发布时间:2022-05-30 来源:宣传统战部 点击数:


讲座题目:Idioms and Hidden Messages of the English Language

主讲人简介:Simpson Timothy John Australian.I have been devoted to a career in Education for over 40 years now.  This includes teacher training, continuous study during my extensive teaching and years of leadership.My background and Educational experiences include teaching in Australia, New Zealand and China, and holding key positions of leadership in all three countries. My rich leadership experience of more than 17 years as a school Principal or Headmaster in a number of different types of schools has also helped him appreciate the true value of a dedicated staff who are student-centered and give of themselves freely. My 2018 study in postgraduate Educational Leadership has further enhanced his understanding of the industry I love.I am particularly interested in the use of technology in education as a powerful tool for learning.



